Manuals and Tutorials

MNY Guidebook

This guidebook is designed to equip fiscal intermediaries, support brokers, self-hired staff, families, and self-direction participants with helpful resources to get the very most out of self-direction services.

In these pages, we aim to clarify not only some of the key terminology, but also many organizational policies and practices that enable us to fulfill our responsibilities to our participants. We also provide key contacts for you to further explore your own integral role in self-direction.

Meaningful NY
Tutorial Videos

We want to ensure all Meaningful NY participants, caretakers, and self-hired staff fully understand and feel comfortable with the processes and platforms that help make Self Direction a success. Our team can walk you through everything you need to know.

Please view these quick tutorial videos below and return to them anytime. Bookmark this page so you can follow along with the Meaningful NY team whenever you need!

Suggest additional tutorial topics by contacting

How to Upload an Invoice to eVero Portal

Upload Transportation to eVero Portal

How to Upload Family Reimbursement Respite (FRR) to eVero Portal

How to Edit an Invoice in eVero Portal

How to Sign/Approve a Budget in eVero for Participants and Families

How to Sign/Approve a Monthly Summary Note in eVero for Participants and Families

How to Review Staff Transportation Inputted from the Mobile App

Completing eVero Goals and Clocking Out (Mobile)